The Power of Reconnecting with Yourself
Before we connect with one another, we should connect ourselves to ourselves. The power of journaling is one way to empower and understand yourself at different levels. Whether you are a writer or not, journaling could be a breakthrough for your life. The cycle of journaling starts with self-reflection to self-discovery to self-improvement and lastly, to self-acceptance. Notice they all started with “self,” it is because you, yourself is irreplaceable and is unique in your own way.
1. Self Reflection
Reflect on your past and present, who are you? What are some habits you disliked or liked about yourself? Write them down in your journal. Explore yourself spiritually while you learning about yourself.
2. Self Discovery
Discover yourself based on the reflection you have made. Recognize and discover what it is in yourself. Explore yourself as a hyphenate.
3. Self Improvement
Improve according to your reflection and discovery. Constantly improve yourself, because it is one way to keep your life going positively and keep up the motivation. 4. Self Acceptance
Accept who you are. Love yourself for who you are, and not hate yourself for who you aren’t. Everyone is different and has their own timeline and process.
The cycle continues, try not to let yourself fall behind. Discovering yourself is to connect with yourself. It is important for us busy bees to reconnect with ourselves once in a while before connecting with others.
